Ms. Hopkins - Art Teacher

Ms. Hopkins - Art Teacher 
Second - Eighth Grade
Brookland Campus


Greetings Parents,


      I am very excited school is back in session, and I know this is going to be a fantastic year. Whether virtual or in person, I will provide your child with a high-quality education. As an educator, I value the importance of my scholars’ future. In art class, students will illustrate different art concepts and techniques. Students will receive instructions through lead discussions and an integrated academic curriculum. My lessons are fused with math, English, and history, and I enjoy collaborating with different academic teachers for the International Baccalaureate units. At the end of each semester, your child will present and discuss their artwork in an oral critique. Oral critiques will help enhance their public speaking and strengthen their communication in any setting.


     Students will receive information about an artist or era before the creative process through PowerPoint Presentations, live demonstrations, audiobooks, videos, and imagery from publications. Your child will learn how to utilize materials to create art, with drawing materials found objects in their homes, and digital applications such as Sketchpad, Google Pixels, Sheets, Jamboard, etc. Google Classroom will be the domain I am using for all of my classes. This domain will contain all-important school announcements, assignments, due dates, and will be accessible in my stream and classroom. Clever will be a domain where your child can go to one place to locate most of my applications. In the first week of school, I will go over everything listed above and my essential art agreements, weekly art plans, and classwork.




Ms. Hopkins Students International Day Masks

Students learned about a country and produced a mask to depict what they learned. Each student was given access to an International Day Google Slide Presentation filled with information and imagery discussing the country for their grade. The compositions consisted of patterns, fashion, food, flag colors, botanicals, and landscapes. Students had the opportunity to produce their masks with fine art materials or digital applications (Sketchpad, Canvas, Jamboard).
Second Grade – France
Third Grade – Mexico
Fourth Grade  – Japan