School Closed on Friday January 19 Based on all weather alerts for early morning snowing and extreme weather conditions, school will be closed Friday, January 19th, 2024.
Two Hour Delay, Wednesday, January 17 MMBDA will have a two hour delay tomorrow, January 17th. There will be no before care.
No Afterschool Club Activities or Afterschool Care on December 21 Please note that there will be no afterschool club activities and afterschool care on December 21.
16th Street Winter Extravaganza-December 15 Please see the flyer for the times our scholars will be performing!
Brookland Winter Extravaganza-Thursday, December 14 Please check the flyer for times that our scholars will be performing!
Move This World Login Information for Parents Click here to learn more about social and emotional learning program, Move This World!
New School Hours for 2023-2024 SY School hours for MMBDA will be from 8:15 AM - 3:50 PM for 2023-2024. For more information, please contact our front office.