DC Parent and Family Engagement Summit OSSE will host its sixth Annual DC Parent and Family Engagement Summit will be held on Sept 28 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. Information provided at the Summit will engage, inform, and empower parents and families to effectively support the highest level of quality education for all the children in the District of Columbia. To register, click here. For questions, contact Valrie Brown at valrie.brown@dc.gov or at (202) 299-2093.
Bus Transportation Form 2019-2020 Parents, please click on the link above to complete the Bus Transportation Form for 2019-2020 for your scholar(s).
New Middle School Mural Coming Soon Students participating in our summer institute have been working on a new mural upstairs with our Art Teacher Ms. Hopkins. The final results will be posted soon!
Percussion Classes on Saturdays Our music instructor Ms. Rolanda Little will be hosting music classes every Saturday.
Summer Institute Ends Friday, July 26 Our 2019 Summer Institute will be ending on Friday, July 26. Students have had the opportunity to explore our IB curriculum through hands-on learning projects and field trips. They will showcase their learning on Thursday, July 25 during our End of Summer Exhibition. Here are some pictures from the summer!
Parent and Student Orientation Night Click here for more information about our 2019-2020 Parent and Student Orientation!
8th Grade Trip to Costa Rica From June 8-16, our 8th grade students went on their experiential learning trip to Costa Rica.